Creative Writing  12/9 – 12/13


Note: Monday’s lesson plan is actually reversed from Friday’s of last week.  Click HERE to view that lesson.


Monday 12/9


1. Journal: 10 minute open write – regular, do not put in Poetry Portfolio.

2. Poetry Workshop: Imagery

    a. Read August silently (handout).
    b. Read August together -- circle imagery as we read.
    c. Discuss the imagery: types, likes, diction, metaphor
    d. Do exercise at bottom of "August" handout.
    e. Share images with class and turn in if done; if not, finish and turn in tomorrow.

3. Reminders

    a. Be sure to have your Semester Project in class Thursday and Friday.

    b. Keep all your poetry materials, including journals, in your special Poetry section.


Tuesday 12/10


1. Journal: What are some of the small things that you enjoy most in life?  Describe them.  What do you think makes each so special? (Poetry Portfolio entry)

2. Review and polish August Imagery Exercises.

3. Poetry Workshop: Guided Imagery Poem

    a. Review imagery again.

    b. Guided Imagery – images and tone

        1) Choose an emotion and situation.

        2) Teacher guides you through the experience.

        3) Write a descriptive paragraph of the experience.

        4) Draft a poem focused on the experience, its imagery, and its tone – RRD due Monday, 12/16.

3. Reminder: Keep all your poetry materials, including journals, in your special Poetry section.


Wednesday 12/11


1. Journal: tba

2. Poetry Workshop: Reversing your tone.

    a. Finish drafting your Guided Imagery Poem as needed.

    b. Draft a similar poem on the same topic but this time, reverse your tone; i.e., happy-sad; frustration-satisfaction, etc…

    c. Revise and peer read as time allows.

3. You must bring all Semester Project materials with you tomorrow.


Thursday 12/12


1. Journal: Semester Project Self Review – on overhead; do on a separate piece of paper.

2. Pass out RRD scoring guide to help with revision on both semester project and poems.
3. Semester Project Workshop
    a. Directed Peer Reading of Semester Projects (using today’s journal with overhead); have checked when done.

    b. Conferencing about final product as needed.

    c. Be sure to bring Semester Project again tomorrow.

4. Work on your Guided Imagery Poem or reverse tone version if you like: RRDs due Monday.


Friday 12/13


1. Journal: What if? (regular journal)
Semester Project Workshop
    a. Finish Directed Peer Reading if needed; have checked when done.

    b. Proofreading of Semester Projects. 
Conferencing about final product as needed.

3. Semester Project Due Monday!

4. Reminder: Your Guided Imagery Poem and reverse tone version RRDs should be done for Monday as well.